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    首頁(yè)>旅游資訊>The Tusita Hotel

    The Tusita Hotel

    (發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017年01月18日 信息發(fā)布:南昌國際旅行社 游客/發(fā)表人:山的另一邊)

    The Tusita Hotel, according to the nature of it's definition, it offers an enlightening atmosphere. It is a facility that gives you calm and relax experience, bringing positive energies to every visitors.

    A brand new Hotel that is located in the heart of Kuta, walking distance to Kuta Beach, surrounded by shopping and recreation centres such as Discovery shopping mall, Kuta Square shopping arcade, Waterboom water park, local and international restaurants, street market, and many more. So whether you are on a business trip or leisure, Tusita Hotel is an excellent choice to spend your days in the Island of Gods.

    The Tusita Hotel is a new established Hotel that is located in the heart of Kuta. Primely surrounded by shopping and recreation centres, local and international restaurants, and a walking distance to Kuta Beach.

    According to it's definition, Tusita or heaven like offers an englightening and peaceful atmosphere, giving every visitors an experience like no other. A place where life is trouble free, where you can forget all your day to day problems and enjoying the moment.

    Armed with the vision and mission as well as experience in the hospitality business for years, we have brought the concept of heaven like environment hotel into reality. So, whether you are on business trip or leisure in the Island of Gods, we are here to ensure your time will be much more enjoyable and feel the experience you never feel before.

    南昌國際旅行社簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)南昌國旅,位于江西省會(huì )南昌,是較早成立的南昌旅行社。歡迎你到我們的春游、一日游、蜜月、親子游、超級預售、周末游等頁(yè)面逛逛,發(fā)現更多精彩。許可證號:L-JX-CJ-00008

    版權所有:南昌國際旅行社有限責任公司 ICP備案號:贛ICP備09010021號-2
    聯(lián)系電話(huà):24小時(shí)客服電話(huà)0791-8678 1992
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